About us
Our company is proud looking back to a more than 130 years history which began in 1884 with the development of the electrical mining cap lamp by Mr Carl Wolf founding Friemann and Wolf (later FRIWO) in Zwickau/Gemrany 1884. We are very much link to this tradition of producing batteries combined with new technologies and steady further developments to also provide high tech energy storage solutions to our customers for the future.

PIBAS® is a specialist in design, manufacturing and configuration of industrial energy storage solutions. Our strength is to design customized solutions for demanding industrial applications for which we can count on a long term experience in our company. We manage all technologies such as lead based, Ni-based and Lithium based technologies and combine these with the necessary electrical and mechanical components. We are able to service all technologies, doing installations and maintenance and support our customer base with a well trained service team. Our company is an approved supplier to many OEMs and industrial end-users world-wide. Our products are sucessfully in use globally in most critial applications and our aim to have a constant improvement of our processes leads to product type approvals and the ISO 9001:2015 certification of our Quality Management System.

Umweltpolitik heißt für uns nicht nur sorgsamer Umgang mit Resourcen, die Auswahl recyclingfähiger Materialien oder die Betrachtung von Umwelteinflüssen interner Prozesse sondern beginnt und endet mit der Beratung unserer Kunden hinsichtlich der Auswahl des richtigen Produktes für die jeweilige Anwendung. Unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen haben direkten Einfluss auf die Umweltbilanz unserer Kunden und der Anwender und dieser Verantwortung sind wir uns mehr als bewusst. Auch unser Umweltmanagementsystem unterliegt ständiger freiwilliger Überwachung einhergehend mit der Zertifizierung nach ISO14001:2015.